Saturday, August 31, 2013

Far out your never too old

It doesn't matter what age you are. My 80 year old mother purchased her first new laptop 3 years ago she had been given old computers before that were too slow to really keep her interest. We as siblings have taught the best we could considering her age as anybody connected to the elderly would appreciate. We all as siblings have received emils from her to instantly reply. Which would take another week when she would put her newspapers crossword down (her mind is still sharp )and have a game of patience as she would call it to discover we replied to which would reply and not heard of online until another week passed. I've had exposure or more so had ISP work experience for let's say along time for me the term online was techicaly a method to which you constantly connected via access of a computer it was a new technology born in 1981 I started in 1995 working for Telecom Xtra when it had just begun rolling out 9.5kb dial up connections complete with an email account. Now regarding my mother who we told she could chat anytime all the time she wanted online she however was use to snail mail post when you sent a letter it took a week to gain reply. So this went on once a week except when shes been in hospital was the standard until tonight I say so because tonight I had left her place  earlier today and she said as i left phone me to say how my dentists visit I was on my way to. Anyway I say so because I have a new Samsung phone which is another  future post I will post anyway it chirpped its email delivery sound (it's still a Telecom Xtra account) and I've responded and received reply a dozen or so times with her tonight in one sitting I got a feeling theres a reply waiting for me when I finish this post. She getting more savy with the internet all the time it's a matter of time now before she will be using instead of those hard back copies she's been using for years to do her crosswords. It just shows your never too old to take technology on we as the younger generation just need to be patient or as she called it patience which is actually the standard win OS game software called solitaire. I'm going to check for a reply now my mum is awesome she turns 81 in November.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

I.A. or Internet Addiction do you suffer!

Here's a good article about Internet addiction the mental health authority recently rejected a proposal to get a variant of I.A. added to the list of known resources acknowledgement which was denied but further investigation is being looked at by the authority.
Do you suffer any form of Internet addiction?

Article from stuff below

Google Android Security flaw dominant in malware stats

Google's Android, the dominant mobile operating system, is by far the primary target for malware attacks, mostly because many users are still using older versions of the software, according to a study by the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Android was a target for 79 percent of all malware threats to mobile operating systems in 2012 with text messages representing about half of the malicious applications, according to the study from the government agencies, which was published by Public Intelligence website.

Google did not respond to a request for comment. DHS declined to comment.

What is mostly omitted from this article is the simple fact android is the most popular mobile OS across many device manufacturers, we don't see apple software across anything outside an apple made device so this is not entirely a surprising statistic. I know in previous posts i've declared my loyalty to Android this article does nothing to change that.

Friday, August 23, 2013

The rise of Live streaming of video games

The interest of watching other people play video games is increasing more and more,the above site is fast becoming the Netflix of the gaming world. Games always had an audience ever since the bith of coin operated spaceinvader machines. Great to see the demand strong.

The popular video game footage streaming service will be available on Sony's next-generation PlayStation 4 when it's released November 15 in the US and Canada.

By tapping the new "share" button on the PS4 controller, users will be able to broadcast gameplay directly to Twitch. Microsoft announced similar Twitch integration earlier this year for its upcoming Xbox One.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Amazon to release gaming console

Article from NZHerald detailing the plans of to release later this year Amazons first gaming console. Complete with it's own dedicated controller utilizing Goggles Android operating system. With the gaming industry overtaking the movie industry in revenue sales this highlights the interactive age is taking over. People are now choosing gaming over the traditional movie watching for their entertainment and the market is growing..

Researchers show how to slip malware into Apple’s App Store

A group of researchers from Georgia Tech managed to get a malware-infected app into Apple’s App Store. Here’s how they did it.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

No not Google!!!

Unfortunate article in todays NZHerald about a Police investigation in to a company operating as if it was a part of Google. Google has some really good products and this is unfortunate to be alligned with this sort of behavior.

Fraud police are investigating a New Zealand company calling itself GoogleDirectory - set up with no links to the internet giant but which has listed thousands of businesses and state agencies.

The company launched last month, but had been signing on companies since at least May, promoting itself as a new online marketing tool.

Detective Senior Sergeant Aaron Pascoe, of the Auckland central police financial crime unit, said police had received several fraud complaints from businesses."
NZHerald link here

Xbox One at Gamescon (Germany)

Xbox One unvieled by Microsoft at Gamescon being held in Germany see below link

Locally NZHerald has a list of expected releases NZ dates to be confirmned

Xbox One is dated for a November 2013 release for a RRP price of $749 in New Zealand.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Cryptoparties - New Trend - NZHerald

Cryptoparties a new trend taking place in the world today, check out the below news clip from NZHerald.

Cryptoparties are the newest way to learn how to encrypt your data and keep it out of the sight of prying eyes. Smartphone apps such as Seecrypt allow you to actually encrypt your conversations.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Unboxing the Xbox One (+video)

Going viral accross the net at the moment is a video of an Xbox employee unboxing an Xbox One detailing what to expect.  Here is NZHerald article about the much anticipated Xbox One release.

I have the original youtube clip here

Sunday, August 11, 2013

80% Of Smartphones Shipped In Q2 2013 Run Android - Mobile Magazine

Being an avid supporter of Android I'm happy to see Mobil Magazines article they have said they were the highest percentage of Smartphones shipped in Q2 2013, in fact 80% of the shipped Smartphones shipped thats quarter.

I think the use of open source software such as android is far better than its main competitor Apple or Iphone, all so coming up and receiving great press is old time cell producer Motorolla with it's MX to be released here soon.

80% Of Smartphones Shipped In Q2 2013 Run Android - Mobile Magazine

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Blackberry to consider selling itself (end of an era?)

Here is a NZ Herald article detailing BlackBerry will consider selling itself after the long-awaited debut of its new phones failed to turn around the struggling smartphone maker.

The BlackBerry, pioneered in 1999, had been the dominant smartphone for on-the-go business people and other consumers before Apple debuted the iPhone in 2007 and showed that phones can handle much more than email and phone calls. In the years since, BlackBerry has since been hammered by competition from the iPhone as well as Android-based rivals.

Blackberry has been in decline the last couple of years because with the current boom of such, with phones using the free open source android software many businesses are moving away from Blackberry as it has license fees per device and requires a costly dedicated server to run.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Citrix login woes today

I arrived for work today and was logging into one of my clients network via Citrix. For this particular client I have an admin user login, password and a Citrix eToken pass. These are similar to RSA tokens where a random set of passcode containing alphabetic characters and numbers these passcodes are generated on these RSA tokens every 30 seconds by algorithms. The Citrix eToken is the same but only generates numbers in its passcode these tokens also provide new combinations every 30 seconds.

This morning it would not accept my credentials at all, I suspected my password for the domain had expired and logged a job with the clients internal helpdesk to be escalated to a senior analyst with active directory rights to renew or change my password as this is  what I had thought (it had happened before) was the case. In many IT roles with domain administration it is common policy to not  be able to reset a fellow team members admin domain account.

So a couple of hours passed until I got the senior Analysts email with my new password. I tried again and it still wouldn't accept my credentials. I tried a number of times and was starting to worry if my token was faulty. I opened notepad and typed my  new password as in any live environments as many of us know the password  being entered are * or asterisks I did this to check the password I was entering would match the newest password I had been emailed.

I then realised what had been happening my W key on my  keyboard and stopped working Doh! My keyboard had been giving me trouble with its left shift key becoming unreliable I should have known. So I went looking around the office for a spare keyboard. I  boosted a  newish keyboard from a Hot Desk  and  rebooted my system.
Because I had locked my account I emailed the Senior Analyst back to request he unlock my account again. An hour later I received email confirmation that it was done and finally I  was able to  login.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

XBOX One versus PS4 debate

Pro Microsoft article here detailing four reasons why XBOX One will out do PS4 I am an avid XBOX supporter and find this article great reading with a release date later this year for both consoles (just in time for xmas ) . XBOX One is scheduled for New Zealand as the 12th of November thanks to PS4 comes to New Zealand a month later in early December.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Test of New app

posted from Bloggeroid

NSA has a New Data Center

Wired have an article detailing the construction of a new data center being currently built in the "Mormon State" Utah. To be online by September this year it's the NSA's new spy base it will monitor telecommunications traffic the world over. With turncoat  Snoden dominating headlines across the USA and the GSCB fiasco in New Zealand the eavesdropping community grows even stronger

3D Printing coming to a store near you

Interesting article from about American retail giant UPS are about to offer 3D Printing in stores across the USA this bringing this exciting new technology within reach of small business's. This technology still in it's infancy will change prototype modelling for the end user the world over. Check out the link below .